A Balanced You Holistic Massage Therapy, LLC

Massage therapist treating a client.


Welcome to A Balanced You Holistic Massage Therapy, LLC 

At A Balanced You our specialization is the cultivation of your life energy by way of reducing stress through holistic massage therapy, in addition to teaching a daily breath work, stretching, and meditation practice.  This is an amazing platform for from which the creation of your wellness landscape can begins. In developing your pathway to wellness the massage and body work offerings bring an integrative approach to mind- body awareness, relief from chronic habitual patterns of pain, emotional balance; and a sense of overall well-being. The environment at A Balanced You is private and relaxing. It offers you a place to recharge and create sustainable wellness. 

What is Holistic massage therapy?

It's an art form that integrates bodywork and massage techniques with respect to an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, nutritional, and environmental wellbeing that emphasizes the importance of there interdependence. 


Defining balance:  Bringing harmony, proportion, physical equilibrium, mental and emotional steadiness, environmental sustainability.


Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.